
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2023

Boost your superiority!

💥Boost your superiority! December 1st, 2023. The reasons of the modern financial collapse still be undiscovered. Instead, the huge sovereign debts they attempted to regulate through the war artificially rallying the stock market indices, in particular - the industrial manufacturing index and the S&P500, which are heavily affected by the defense sector. Godden (2013) noted, that "The financially driven growth of the US economy over the last four decades has been deficit funded." The true causes of the financial crises of the 20th century, are the clue to understand the motives of the war aggressions of the last decades, currency policies, role of banking, the actual structure of the world financial system, and many other interdisciplinary things, which affect the wealth of nations globally. Sometimes, they are mistakenly addressed just to economics. We start to tell this much more complex story from the very beginning, the basics of economic theory.  For many people, incl...

Who Framed Black Rabbit?

🎬 Lions' Morphology. Human has an overlap of genome structure with the banana, monkeys, and many other species of living nature. However, the 70% of similarity with the banana's genes, is not sufficient to inherit the banana's cardboard home. Pyotr Tolstoy was not alone on the way to pursue the fake status of the Leo Tolstoy's ancestor, pretending to occupy the place between another many unique templates of genetically ill biodiversity, who claimed the kinship with Leo Tolstoy. We also observed such a notable people, as red haired Vladimir Ilyich kinda Tolstoy, Nikita Iliych kinda Tolstoy with Williams Syndrome, Svetlana Mikhailivna Shur (kinda Tolstaya), Marfa and Fyokla kinda Tolstyie, Andrey kinda Tolstoy-Miloslavsky, and many other people, who claimed they are the relatives of Leo Tolstoy and his direct ancestors of the 3rd-4th generations. Thus, the situation becomes to look very strange - when so many people with such a difference in phenotype claim that Leo T...

Who Framed Black Rabbit?

  🎬 Well, being equipped with the very essentials of the genetics, the readers are now ready to absorb, understand, and capture the main ideas of the case Who Framed Black Rabbit or the Story of Hermann Göring. Surprisingly, I start to tell the story of Hermann Göring, and monstrous atrocities in the death camps, from the beginning, which is suddenly, at first sight, was not directly occurred in the epoch of the Nazi Germany.  Approximately in the last decades, in Russia has appeared a man, introducing himself as a great-grandson of great Russian writer, count Leo Tolstoy. I am talking about Pyotr kinda Tolstoy, later taken the post in the Russian State Duma. In the TV program - "My Pedigree" (do not confuse with the same-named dog food), showed on the ORT - the multiplex channel, probably on the one of the most trustful in Russia, as being associated for unknown reasons (actually, with absence of any of these reasons) with the Russian official state power. On the program...

Who Framed Black Rabbit?

 🎬The story of twins and doubles occupies a central part in the case of the Third Reich. Discovery of this allows to understand the Third Reich structure, nature, organization, the motives of its creation, and, which is logical, to attempt to match the objectives of the Reich with the objectives achieved through foundation of the death camps and further by their operational management. As soon as this exercise completed, it is pretty easy to identify that the structure of the Third Reich was not homogenous, and the goals of different groups within the Third Reich did not overlap. The management of WWII death camps was centered on a specific group of people who had unique, similar, and very rare genetic pathologies that could be seen in one in 10,000 of the total population. In the Third Reich, these rare pathologies were observed in almost every instance among those who commanded the death camp business. Only serial murderers are found to have the same frequency of the same geneti...

Who Framed Black Rabbit?

Who framed Black Rabbit? 🎬 The farce of mistaken identity occupied  the larger part of the central place not only in the Greek-mythology, or a later masterpiece of Shakespeare, father of twins. During the Nuremberg Trials, the inhuman business of the death camps made up at least a half of the total accusation. The impressive part of the crime, committed as an inalienable element of it, were medical "researches," in particular - unexplainable experiments over twins. One of the survivors, Eva Kor, says "she agonizes over not knowing what Mengele injected into her and Miriam, and for what nefarious purposes their blood was used." (Koenig, 2000). The victims had just a vague idea about the purposes of Mengele's experiments over twins, and the question "Why?" still occupy minds throughout the medical scientific community, historians, and laymen. That's a quite strange situation - having the pretentious and broadly advertised Nuremberg Trials, ended wit...