Who Framed Black Rabbit?

 🎬The story of twins and doubles occupies a central part in the case of the Third Reich. Discovery of this allows to understand the Third Reich structure, nature, organization, the motives of its creation, and, which is logical, to attempt to match the objectives of the Reich with the objectives achieved through foundation of the death camps and further by their operational management. As soon as this exercise completed, it is pretty easy to identify that the structure of the Third Reich was not homogenous, and the goals of different groups within the Third Reich did not overlap.

The management of WWII death camps was centered on a specific group of people who had unique, similar, and very rare genetic pathologies that could be seen in one in 10,000 of the total population. In the Third Reich, these rare pathologies were observed in almost every instance among those who commanded the death camp business. Only serial murderers are found to have the same frequency of the same genetic pathologies. The conclusion is a straightforward one: a very specific group of people was hired to manage death camps in the Third Reich, who were genetically modified to the status of serial mass murderers.

The Third Reich's staff included more than just genetically serial killers. The second part of it were the people with the long dynastic names, pretending to be relatives with the most famous dynastic houses: Luitpoldings, Carlovingians, and so forth. The royal military aristocracy had written in their pedigrees add-ons of the few troubled nobility lines without royal origin, who had genetic pathologies observing in the cases of serial murderers, and were concatenated with genes observed in the first group. Thus, people of royal origin, genetically healthy, were unable to commit serial ritual mass murders in the death camps. Therefore, they were not involved in the operations of the death camps.

The surprising conclusion is that in the Third Reich organization, there were various types of individuals who were characterized by their origin and their position, status, roles, and responsibilities, and were clearly distinguished by the significant exterior features (Satyr's Ear, Kleefstra syndrome, etc.). The hierarchy of the Third Reich was mainly established on genetic principles, with individuals have been assigned their job role and status based on their origin. For years, people mistakenly thought this approach was similar to the philosophy of eugenics. This mistake was made because the initial principles of genetic classification and its motive were different. This observation is essential in uncovering the clue to the entire story.

Prior to moving forward, we must review and address some additional aspects in the home base:

1. Kid inherits genes of his parents 50/50, and the genome's information explains all: the exterior, deceases, behavior. The appearance, intellectual capacity, and behavior of children are similar to those of their parents if they are biological children.

2. Healthy individuals without genetic disorders have correct proportions of the body and face, are free of chronic diseases, have normal sexual identities, and do not display any deviant behaviors, including criminal ones.

3. Individuals who engage in criminal activity have the same genetic pathologies, resulting in readily visible deviations from the exterior of the body and face.

4. The anthropological measurements of the body and face do not change after the growth phase ends (except case of trauma).

As soon as we set up the starting points, it is easy to understand and accept the whole picture.

Written by Meggi Göring. All rights reserved. 2023. Copyright by the BOOST.

🎥BOOST. Global alternative investments firm. AUM $32.795T (31.12.2022, US GAAP). Founded in Russia, in 2014. CEO, owner, founder is Meggi Göring, great-granddaughter of Hermann Göring (née Anna Tolstaya, by passport Anna Maria Serafima Raevskaya-Repnina).

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