Battle on the Krupskaya Bulge
🏟In 2017, the BOOST has acquired the rights with regards to the hostile takeover of the Bananamama company. Step by step, we were doing the investigation. The meticulous approach and much attention to the details led us to the discovery of the amazing masterpiece of the 3rd Reich activity in Russia, at the present time. In the context of #krupskayabulge rubric, for us, has a substantial meaning the individuals, whose origin, or real personal data are linked directly to the 3rd Reich, and the reincarnation of this in the form of the top-secret CIA programs ZR/RIFLE and MKULTRA.
The brief conclusion in the context of the discovery of the Bananamama case showed up the epic story of Oleg Yakovlev, which he told to a broader audience about the poor entrepreneur born in Dagestan, who was unjustifiably chased by the Alfa-Bank, and was in need even to leave here his Bentley, and urgently immigrate to the Miami. This story, from the beginning to the end, is a tremendous bullshit. In Russia, Bananamama was a part of the 3rd Reich business group, which served the most nasty operations, directly related to the murder of Sergey Magnitsky. As soon as the investigation started, the main actor in this soap opera, Oleg Yakovlev, immediately flew away to the country where he had a second citizenship, which did not extradite its citizens - the US. As soon as he left in the safe country, the theatrical performance under the name "Bananamama" was realized, and the major role in this process was undertaken by the cumulative group of individuals and banks, whose successor and beneficiary is the Sberbank. The process of a kinda bankruptcy of the Bananamama was a rigorous project that aimed to eliminate any traces of the criminal activity. Among numerous disgusting things, the notable "actions" undertaken with the participation of Bananamama, were the fire in the Lame Horse, and the Columbine in Perm. Thus, the imitators organized the fake Bananamama's bankruptcy to eliminate any traces showing the evidence of their involvement in this crime series, whilst the money was kept in the same group, and nobody fixed the real losses. It was a show for a broad audience. These two aforementioned ritual crimes were committed to memory of Hermina Brausteiner, Die Aufseherin of the Maidanek death camp. Brausteiner got the nickname "Trampling mare," as long as she loved to beat the imprisoned by her legs. In the prison after the extradition, she's got the amputation of the leg, and instead of the Trampling Mare she became the Lame Horse. For every man, mother is saint, even she is a serial murderer.
The leading role of the Sberbank to erase Bananamama is clearly and transparently concluded from the name of Bananamama business. And name of German Gref, and his family chain are not the exception from this rule. It is amazing, how directly his name is written in English - "German" in English has a very simple linear meaning with regards to the nationality. Gref seems like anagram to the FRG. The closest fellows of the Deutsch Oskarovich FRG, formed their fake public name following the same principle. Nobody loves General Vlasov, in particular, after the murder of General Karbyshev that occurred in the Mauthausen death camp. But probably every employee of Alfa Grupp (the Deutsch style as well), is dreaming to lick the ass of his son, who took the another geographic anagram instead of the Vlasov surname - Aven, the reverse transcription of the Neva river, and the same-named scientific institute in Saint Petersburg. Yes, it is. In the 3rd Reich dream team, there are only saints, like Angara maniac Mikhail Popkov aka Silvestr from the Orekhovskaya Gang aka Patriarch of the Russian Old Believers.
According to the Deutsch Oscarovich FRG, the population of the Russian Federation has the only one human right and obligation: to put in the money for saving to Sberbank, or take a credit card from the Sberbank. The education, knowing of maths, and other elements of intelligence, as per Deutsch Oscarovich FRG, are absolutely not only unessential. Moreover, they are extremely harmful to the population of Russia - to be smart, well educated, intelligent, and being competent in personal finance to make conscious consumer decisions, in terms of banking as well. This epic shameful speech that went into history as a video "Gref about the population of Russia" (Gref o narode) was not the only template of Gref's mindset and behavior. A quick search shows that Deutsch Oscarovich FRG has many more valuable thoughts and brilliant management ideas, for instance - "Gref talks about education," "Gref talks about maths," and so on. Ideas worth sharing is not the case, as the only recipient who would understand the value of this, are law enforcement agencies. It was a really interesting pathway to discover why Deutsch Oscarovich FRG has such unhealthy beliefs, and zero fears to communicate them openly to the broad audience of Russia. However, if we combine these "Gref about" speeches with the story of the Bananamama erasure to hide the criminal activity about the two terrorist acts - fire in Lame Horse and Perm Columbine - the story obtains new faces, which shedding the light to the probably the deepest cloaca of the Russian aka "banking business." In contrast to the Deutsch Oscarovich FRG's misleading perception that the academic science, maths, consciosness, awareness, and education are dangerous, harmful and make life too complicated, we argue the reverse point of view. Science simplifies answering hard questions, and allows to communicate freely a difficult feedback.
Genetics is the one of the most mathematically driven sciences, which clearly and concisely explains the causation. Our parents, their individualities, as a result of their transcribed genotype's inheritance, transfer us their genes. DNA does not ask us - do we want to look or behave similar to our parents or not. Ribosomes do not need our permission to synthesize proteins following the translation of the genetic code. We do this anyway, having a phenotype and cumulative behavioral traits, which are all explained by the genes. The legacy of our appearance is predefined by the genes, making quite simple the process of the pedigree discovery, showing the genes on our faces, bodies, behavior, attitude and beliefs.
We have to forgive Deutsch Oscarovich FRG, because considering who his parents are, we shall not expect anything more from him. Being a son of the Auschwitz death camp accountant Oscar Groening, and having a Trampling Mare, Maidanek's Aufseerin as a mom - what else do we want for their son, whose genetics exclude any chance for the respect and positive attitude to the population of Russia? His origin clearly transcribed in his name, as well as plenty of genetic issues on his face, teeth, body, mindset, communicated beliefs, and behavior, as an inherent part of the genetic legacy obtained by the Deutsch Oscarovich FRG from his remarkable parents - the Auschvitz Accountant and Maidanek Aufseerin. The only right question is who the duck has nominated and appointed Deutsch Oscarovich FRG on the job role of the largest, systematic, socially crucial bank in Russia?
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